Sunday, January 9, 2011

Got Acne? Grab A few Vegetables

Most of us are aware of the fact that we eat poorly. Even those of us that think we do a pretty fabulous job of it would really be dazzled with the amount of fast food & sugar that we eat if we really took the time to stop & think about it. It seems as even though a couple people are able to get away with doing things like this but the simple fact of the matter is, it is affecting them the same as it is affecting us. The real difference is that it could be showing itself in the form of acne for us but for them it could be an underlying problem that will not show up for years.

If you want to clean up your problem skin, you need to work on the inside of your body first & then work on the outside of your body. As a matter of fact, if you clean the inside, the outside may just follow along without any work on your part at all. The simplest way for you to be able to do this is change the way that you eat. Although this can be a bit arduous, changing to a diet that’s high in raw fruits and vegetables will do a bit to change your complexion and a lot of other things in your life.

One of the best things for this is red beets. These can be awesome veggies for cleaning our liver and for thinning our blood, helping our circulation along the way. This can do a lot for transporting the toxins around our body & helping it to remove them. Since several of the toxins will be stored in the liver until they are taken out, red beets will also help to get that moving along as well.

Raw food is also an excellent thing for you to eat whenever you have a problem with your skin. As a matter of fact, folks that go on an all raw food diet often can be able to clear their skin completely over a period of time. This is since raw food is also detoxing and it won’t add toxins into your body, bordering on the way that you add them whenever you will be eating fast food or sugary snacks. Even if you only add a few raw food to your diet every single day, you are going to do wonders for your skin.

Read more about Acne and Skin Care or Anti Aging & Wrinkles


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